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Actually Seeing Florence

Given that not too many out-of-the-ordinary things happen to me throughout the week, or at least they didn't this week, I'll start with Thursday. Believe it or not, this past Thursday was the first day I really ordered myself pizza. Crazy, I know; people here have already given me plenty of crap for it, but to be honest I am not a huge pizza person, and when you put pizza up against sandwiches (paninis EVERYWHERE) and pasta (ALSO everywhere), it just can't compete in my mind. Luckily, two of my roommates had eaten at what is supposedly one of the best pizza places in the city, and they took me and two of my other roommates to have some lunch there. It's called Gusto Pizza, and it did not disappoint. I got a classic margherita pizza, which is basically the Italians' cheese pizza, but somehow better. Everything about it was delicious, and according to my roommates, the crust is easier to cut than any other pizza they have eaten. This is a plus because they give you a whole pizza and they don't cut it for you here. It was a bit of a struggle to finish mine, because if you know me well, I can't eat a lot at one time and I cannot eat very fast, but I accomplished it! I haven't even mentioned the best part yet: They made our pizzas heart-shaped for us.

(The four of our heart margherita pizzas)

(We all took a moment after pizza to soak in some sunshine on our way back across the river)

Although the weather has gotten uglier in terms of temperature and precipitation, which I know I can't complain about, coming from Wisconsin, Friday morning was wonderful because I had my food class, and it was our first lab day. I am very excited about this course, despite the fact it keeps me from traveling for long weekends, and the lab made me even more excited about it. We made risotto alla zucca (pumkpin risotto). We got started kind of late, which caused problems for us later on, and the recipe was fairly simple but fun to make. Our small class of ten was split in two, and the goal was for each of us to make a pot of the risotto. I say "the goal was" only because my group's pot didn't end up getting finished because we ran out of time in the class period. Fortunately, I got to eat some of the other group's risotto, and unfortunately for many others, they had to leave class before they were able to try any because we ran so late! (I was there a solid 45 minutes after the class was supposed to end, but I had nothing better to do and I was determined to eat this stuff.) I had two helpings after patiently waiting for it to be done, and it was unbelievably delicious. I was a little shocked and diappointed with how many of my classmates seemed to be doubting the tastiness of our dish before we had even made it, but I was happy when it shocked all of them.

Friday afternoon I took it upon myself to do some more exploring of the city, and decided to head over to a little chocolate festival they are having in Piazza Santa Maria Novella. It was raining and gross, but the chocolate is wonderful, and some of it is very impressive-looking. I bought five different chocolate truffles (with a six thrown in as a gift) and a tiramisu macaroon. I am still pondering how we got the word "truffle" for a mushroom and a decadent dessert, but that's another matter.

(Chocolate festival, and yes those are chocolate heels and designer handbags in the bottom right)

This weekend was one of few I would be spending in the area, so I tried to make the most of it. Saturday I managed to get on a city bus up the mountain a ways to a little city called Fiesole. I did not really know what I was doing or what to expect, I had just heard about it, and thought, "why not go?" After getting off the bus I wandered up a hill nearby and when I got to the top, the trees and buildings opened up to the most beautiful view I have had of Italy so far.

It was like I was actually seeing Florence for the first time.

I wandered around in the little monastery/church-like thing at the very top, which I couldn't remember the name of at all, and eventually made my way back down, wandered around a bit more, and then grabbed a bus back to the heart of Florence.


On the way back to my apartment I stopped into the Duomo for the first time since I've been here, and that was obviously gorgeous. I am planning to climb the stairs to the top at some point, but that will be another day.

(Inside the Duomo)

Sunday being Valentine's Day, I took a little trek up to Piazzale Michelangelo for what they call, "Bacio al Piazzale," which means "kiss the plaza." It was an event to celebrate the people's love of Florence. I had no idea what to expect, and, to be honest, I still don't even really know what was going on, but it was interesting. There was a lot of talking in Italian and waving of flags by historically-dressed individuals, along with the general feel of, "long live Firenze!" That was about all I picked up on. I did blow a kiss to my little host city, as well as to my lovely boyfriend, Jaquan, who I was obviously unable to be with for the holiday. Later that night I made some more fantastic ravioli, ordered myself some creme brulee that I was more than satisfied with, and got to Skype my boyfriend for a while, before the wifi decided it was tired and done for the evening. Today I even had the lovely surprise of flowers sent to me by Jaquan!

(The roses I got for Valentine's Day!)

It is weird being away from home for holidays, even if it's not a very big one, but everything added up made for a pretty great Valentine's Day weekend. This week I will continue to read, meditate, and take pictures as my homework, and this upcoming weekend I will be leaving Florence for another adventure... this time there will be wine tasing involved!

Love, abbie

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